
Understanding the Power of Insights® Discovery

Insights® Discovery is more than just a tool—it's a catalyst for organizational transformation and personal growth. Rooted in Jungian psychology, Insights® helps individuals understand themselves and others through Personal Profiles and a simple, engaging colour language. With Insights® Discovery, your team can communicate more effectively, work together seamlessly, and drive better results. Research shows that self-aware employees contribute to higher financial performance, so it's critical to equip your team with these valuable Insights®.

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Insights® Solutions For Your Team



Get a deeper understanding of personal thinking and communication styles to foster stronger team connections.



Create a collaborative environment with tailored solutions that boost productivity and bring out the best in your team.



Take your leaders from good to great by exploring their personal styles and honing their leadership skills.



Increase sales effectiveness by helping your team build meaningful relationships with customers, leading to better sales outcomes and customer satisfaction.

Your Insights® Journey

Build Your Foundation - Personal Effectiveness: Start your journey with the Insights® Discovery Personal Profile, a transformative tool that provides individuals with deep Insights® into themselves and others. Our profiles lay the foundation for personal growth and team synergy including Insights® into:

  • Your Strengths, weaknesses and value to the team
  • Your Management Style
  • Your Communication Preferences
  • Sales effectiveness & Creating your Ideal Working Environment

Complemented with coaching or our Personal Effectiveness introductory session for a deeper understanding and practical skills that help you build better relationships and achieve outstanding results.

Insights Discovery Wheel

Build Your Team Up - Discovering Team Effectiveness

Strong teams are the backbone of successful organizations. Our Team Effectiveness Workshop builds on Insights® Discovery to help you identify and resolve team issues, improve relationships, and foster a high-performance culture.

Leadership Development - Discovering Leadership Effectiveness

Leadership is key to organizational success, but many leaders need support to bridge the capability gap. Our Leadership Effectiveness program starts with understanding yourself and guides you through our four-pillar model: Results, Visionary, Relationship, and Centered leadership. Learn how your unique colour energy influences your leadership style and discover ways to create a positive environment for your team.

Sales & Services - Discovering Sales Effectiveness

Great sales teams focus on building strong customer relationships. Our Sales Effectiveness program helps your team do just that. Through personalized profiles and effective training, your sales team will learn to identify customer needs, handle resistance, and close deals with confidence.

Discovery Full Circle

Our holistic approach to personal and professional development comes full circle with Insights® Discovery. By fostering self-awareness and understanding, individuals and teams can unlock their full potential, drive performance, and create lasting impact within their organizations.

Our Offerings:

At Training Company, we offer two pathways to unlock the benefits of Insights® Discovery:

Comprehensive Training

Leave everything to us.

We provide end-to-end training, from workshops and coaching to leadership development, customized for your organization's unique needs. Our expert facilitators make learning enjoyable, ensuring a seamless experience.

Become Accredited Client Practitioner

Train your team and deliver Insights Discovery yourself!

We equip your practitioners with the knowledge and skills to run workshops, coaching sessions, and debriefs! We work closely with Client Practitioners before, during, and after their training to ensure they achieve maximum impact, sustainability, and return on investment.

Whether you choose to become an accredited practitioner or let us handle all your training needs, we're here to support you every step of the way. Ready to transform your organization with Insights® Discovery? Get in touch with us today!

Contact Us to start your Journey!

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